FEMELLISTE informs you.

Because femellism advocates freedom of expression against censorship, critical thinking against political correctness and questioning against dogma, FEMELLISTE offers a selection of articles to sharpen your thinking about transgenderism.


Comment le transgenrisme et la culture queer invisibilisent l'homosexualité.

Sur les réseaux sociaux, nous avons remarqué que cette année, la Gay Pride de Paris avait été décriée par beaucoup de personnes de la communauté LGB et T : la division stricte des cortèges, l’absence de chars pour des raisons écologiques, etc… apparemment ça n’était pas très fun. Au-delà du fun, d’autres choses dérangent Alexandre K. (le prénom a été modifié) qui nous a contacté afin de s’exprimer sur les dérives au sein de son propre milieu.

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portraits de femmes, trans crimes Marguerite Stern portraits de femmes, trans crimes Marguerite Stern

Entretien avec le collectif “Féminicides par compagnons ou ex”

Elles sont quatre. Depuis 2016, elles comptabilisent les féminicides conjugaux afin que les victimes ne tombent pas dans l’oubli. Afin d’alerter. Dénoncer. Demander la fin de ce massacre. Sans leur travail bénévole, aucune mobilisation autour des féminicides n’aurait été possible en France. Entretien avec l’une d’entre elle.

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portraits de femmes, enfants Marguerite Stern portraits de femmes, enfants Marguerite Stern

Tania : mère d’une adolescente anciennement trans.

Tania (prénom modifié) est éducatrice sociale en Suisse (en France, on dit “éducatrice spécialisée”). Elle vient d’Europe de l’Est, a vécu la guerre dans son pays, et habite en Suisse depuis maintenant 20 ans. Un jour, sa fille de 13 ans lui dit qu’elle était un garçon. Elle en est finalement revenue. Depuis, Tania s’engage sur le terrain auprès de parents qui ont vécu la même situation qu’elle, dans le but de les soutenir. Voici son témoignage.

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portraits of women Marguerite Stern portraits of women Marguerite Stern

Laetitia Ky : “Je n'ai pas de genre, j'ai un sexe, et il est évidemment féminin”. 

On l’adore. Et comme elle vient de publier son livre “Love and Justice” traduit en français aux éditions EPA, c’était l’occasion de parler de Laëtitia Ky, artiste prolifique et bourrée de talent. Entretien magique avec celle qui figure dans le Guiness Book des records pour être la personne ayant réalisé le plus de sauts à la corde avec ses propres cheveux.

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institutions, france, santé, enfants Marguerite Stern institutions, france, santé, enfants Marguerite Stern

When CAF promotes transgenderism.

In an article published on January 25, 2023, the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF) encourages the families of people who declare themselves transgender, not to question this process and to welcome it positively. If it is rather welcome that a state institution is concerned about the health of trans people, it is on the other hand regrettable that it omits to question the people who observe the deleterious effects that a transition can have on health (medical profession, groups of parents of trans children, trans people, etc). Decoding.

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United States: man convicted of femicide transferred to women's prison

The information comes from the English-speaking media Reduxx. The facts take place in Kansas. Mr. Thomas Preston Lamb, an 81 year old murderer, now demands to be called "Michelle Renee Lamb". This gentleman started to assert this new identity while he was incarcerated for having killed a woman and kidnapped another. He was transferred this January 27, 2023, to a women's prison.

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United Kingdom: Law regarding incarceration of transgender men updated.

According to a press release published by the official website of the English government, trans-identified men who have kept their male genitalia, as well as those convicted of sexual violence, will no longer be incarcerated in women's prisons. This should be taken with a grain of salt, as the statement says "except in exceptional circumstances".

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Scotland: Rapist jailed in women's prison

The information comes from The Daily Mail newspaper. In Scotland, Mr. Graham Adam, who identified himself as a woman and was convicted of raping two women, will be held in a women's prison pending a verdict (expected on February 28, 2023). This is another striking example of how the self-determination ideology of transgenderism can severely impact women's safety.

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Prisha Mosley, detransitioner: "I decided to speak out publicly to turn the horror I'm experiencing into something positive."

For a few years now, the voices of "detrans" people have been raised on the internet. To be "detrans" is to have wanted to change one's sex, to have taken hormonal treatments and/or undergone surgeries called "sexual reassignment", and then to go back. This is the case of Prisha Mosley. Interview.

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international, health Marguerite Stern international, health Marguerite Stern

Towards a health scandal? Canada opens its first clinic dedicated to post-vaginoplasty care.

The information comes from The Post Millenium. Canada opens its first clinic dedicated to treating men who have undergone vaginoplasty. This operation consists of the removal of the penis and testicles in order to recreate a female-looking sex. Chronic pain, urination problems, bleeding: the consequences of such an operation can be very heavy.

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portraits of women Marguerite Stern portraits of women Marguerite Stern

Madeleine Pelletier (1874-1939): pioneer in the fight against gender stereotypes.

Madeleine Pelletier breaks the codes. We feel that she is different and that she does not seek to please. At the beginning of the 20th century, she dared to be herself and fought to take her place in a world of men. Today, she is subject to the same phenomenon of historical revisionism as Joan of Arc: because she refused to adopt the female wardrobe, Madeleine Pelletier is sometimes called "trans" by some people who apparently did not understand the meaning of her approach. Portrait of an exceptional woman.

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United Kingdom: what are the reasons for the increase in female paedophile crime statistics?

The trans ideology is an ideology of self-determination: thus, every man who declares himself a woman is considered as such and vice versa. One of its perverse effects is that statistics concerning the distribution of domestic tasks, salary inequality, the distribution of speaking time between women and men in the media, but also crime, can be distorted.

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trans crimes, enfants Marguerite Stern trans crimes, enfants Marguerite Stern

Those pedocriminals who wear wigs in order to pass themselves off as women.

This is one of the dangers of the ideology of self-determination: if any person who identifies as a woman is one, then abusers can take advantage of this to gain access to non-mixed spaces. For example, some trans-identified pedophiles (called "trans women"), attempt to pass themselves off as women and are often incarcerated in women's prisons.

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stands, Language Anissia Docaigne-makhroff stands, Language Anissia Docaigne-makhroff

Transgender pronouns: a megalomaniacal delusion.

Maybe you've noticed: lately Instagram and Linkedin have been suggesting that you add "your pronouns." According to trans activists asking for a person's pronouns is mandatory, making you a "transphobic" person if you refuse. Portrait of a megalomaniac injunction by Anissia Docaigne-Makhrova.

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The bases, Terf, Language, Femelliste Dora Moutot The bases, Terf, Language, Femelliste Dora Moutot

Where does the term femelliste come from?

The terms "Femelliste", "Femellisme", or "Femellité" are not new. They have been used for several years by different people and collectives. We therefore do not claim to be the mother of this term. However, we think that if many women around the world have started to use it, it is because its function is more and more necessary.

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