FEMELLISTE was born from a meeting.

Dora Moutot and Marguerite Stern / feminism definition / feminists France / femelliste / transphobic / Terf

rights reserved : FEMELLISTE

Dora Moutot was talking about female sexuality on her Instagram account @TasJoui, when in 2019 trans activists started explaining to her that talking about clitorises was not inclusive of trans women. "Transphobic," they told her.

Marguerite Stern founded the Feminicide Collage Movement in 2019 when trans activists began instrumentalizing her creation for the benefit of transgender ideology. In early 2020, she responded in a thread on Twitter. "Transphobic" they told her.

Ont suivi trois années de harcèlement, d’injures, de menaces et de mise au banc de la part des transgenristes (lire l’histoire de notre harcèlement ici), qui nous ont amenés à nous questionner et à ouvrir les yeux sur un changement de société majeur ou plus personne ne semble s’accorder sur la définition de ce qu’est une femme. De cette prise de conscience est née l’urgence d’agir.

* Le terme Femelliste est déjà utilisé par d’autres femmes. Lire l’article à ce sujet

Our ambitions

FEMELLISTE is positioned as a force of opposition to transgender ideology.

FEMELLISTE wants to bring together women and men and bring the democratic debate to life.

FEMELLISTE wants to inform about the dangers of transgenderism and its concrete consequences - especially for women and children.

Lire et signer le manifeste ✍️

➡ our values

FEMELLISTE opposes censorship, ideological totalitarianism and the dictatorship of political correctness.

FEMELLISTE promotes republican values such as freedom of expression and secularism.

FEMELLISTE advocates reconnecting with our gendered reality and the rest of the biosphere.

Lire et signer le manifeste ✍️

Who are we?

Dora Moutot / Terf / femellism / feminism definition / feminist france

rights reserved : FEMELLISTE

Dora Moutot

Dora Moutot has been a journalist since 2012.

Graduated from Central St Martins in London in journalism and communication of fashion and art, she starts her career at the Future Laboratory, a London trend office as a "trend forecaster". Known on the web through her blog "La Gazette du mauvais goût" and her project "Webcam Tears", she started working for shows like L'oeil de Links on Canal +, Tracks, and writing for titles like Le Monde, Vice, Glamour, and Usbek & Rica.

She has been a deputy editor at Konbini, and a TV columnist on France 2 in Stéphane Bern's show "Comment ça va bien".

In 2018, she created "Tasjoui," the first Instagram account that questions heterosexual female sexuality from a feminist perspective. She is followed by a community of half a million people.

In 2019, she signed her first book "À Fleur de pet" about a chronic bowel disease she has suffered from for several years: SIBO.

She became a patient-expert on this subject, and also directed a documentary series for Arte, "Comment j'ai hacké mes intestins", which explored therapies to cure a sick microbiota.

In 2021, she released her second book "Mâle baisées, le livre qui dénonce le patriarcat sous les draps".


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- Doramoutot.com

Marguerite Stern / Terf / femellism / feminism definition / feminist france

rights reserved : FEMELLISTE

Marguerite Stern

Marguerite Stern is a feminist activist.

From 2012 to 2015, she acts within the Femen movement (created in Ukraine in 2008 by Anna Hutsol) and leads several dozen actions. In 2013, she was incarcerated for a month in Tunisia for leading an action in front of the courthouse in Tunis. In 2015, she co-wrote the Femen Manifesto for Utopia Editions.

In 2015, she spent 4 months in the Calais Jungle and gave French lessons to refugees on a voluntary basis. From 2016 to 2019, she works in the accompaniment of foreign isolated minors.

In 2018, she learned to make podcasts. Her first series, "Héroïnes de la rue", gets 3T in Télérama. She then directed several series in which she gave voice to women we are not used to hearing: survivors of prostitution, striking maids, high school girls, feminist activists, street singers...

In February 2019, she began pasting messages in the streets of Marseille, assembling letters traced with black paint on A4 sheets. Her first collages speak of her personal experience, then of feminicides. In September 2019, from Paris, she launches the movement of collages against feminicides on a national scale.

In 2020, she published "Héroïnes de la rue" (Heroines of the street) with Michel Lafon.


Follow Marguerite Stern on the networks
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- Margueritestern.com